Sunday, November 01, 2009

Leadership in a Recession

There are many stories in the news that we are in a recovery economically. I am not that optimistic because companies are stilling needing to make cuts in order to make it. Some companies handle it better than others. As a leader in an organization, it is absolutely critical that I help my employees understand. Companies are doing everything from laying off staff to reducing pay to eliminating merit increases. Even though we are hearing that the recession is over, it is going to take time for that to "catch up" in the corporate environment. Helping employees understand all the decisions that a corporation is the job of the leader. While not every decision can be defended, it is important to provide insight so that employee can understand and eventually support it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Esther - what an amazing, Godly woman

You know, I have often thought about how tough it is being a strong woman. More importantly, a strong, Godly woman. It would be so easy to blame God for all the stuff that I want to be different. Sell my house in Iowa, put grass in my back yard, make sure Jake can afford college, etc. I was raised to believe that I can do anything I put my mind to. I still believe that but I have added power now - GOD!

During the time that I was out of work, I started a bible study on the book of Esther. WOW! This is a strong woman but it showed me something even more important. God's perfect timing! It never dawned on me that the reason Esther had to have 2 banquets was that she need to make sure that she listened to God and obeyed His timing.

So, Esther stood up for what was right and obeyed God. How awesome is that......I want to be THAT kind of strong.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Out of work - the opportunities are endless

I have spent the last week looking for ways to earn money while I wait for my ideal position. I am still searching and talking with companies for the ideal position and during down time, researching in-home type of contract work. It is amazing to me to see this new way of working. There are legitimate ways to earn money working from home but there are so many more scams. I am fascinated by sites that offer "membership fees" to get in touch with companies that outsource data entry and such. Why do I have to pay the fee? Shouldn't the company that needs the work done pay the fee? YES. I will not sign up or register for anything that requires me to pay for it. Read the fine print, then continue to charge you and they do not have to ask, the responsibility is on you to cancel because of that fine print.

So, a word to the wise. Do not pay for access to this type of information. Elance and oDesk are two companies that provide access without charging you.

Just thought I would share a first hand experience.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Jesus suffered - so why should it be different for me

So, this week has been about trying to keep from throwing a 'pity party' for myself. Since leaving my job, I have encountered every emotion possible. Elation, fear, anxiety, anger, "duh" moments, etc. Why? Because it is a little like grieving. Suffering is hard, even when I knew it might be like this. It was absolutely the right thing to do - I don't regret it at all.

I have spent my time updating my resume, working with a headhunter firm, applying for many positions (all of which I truly want) and most of all, self-reflection. I have grown from this experience in ways that I would not have otherwise grown. I had always aspired to a "position". Now I aspire to do what I LOVE. Now the real trick, finding the job. I have to be patient. I know what I want and I know that there are jobs out there.

All this to say, it really is true that sometimes you have to let "stuff" go so you can do what you are suppose to do. This is how God's blessings work :-) is the waiting that can unnerve me.

Monday, May 04, 2009

It is all in the timing

Well, I am 8 weeks into unemployment. It is truly a shift in my paradigm. I know that I made the right decision. There are quite a few jobs available, most of them would mean moving. I have a terrific home support system from my husband and my children. While moving would be stressful, we would make it work.

I have learned some things through this. 1) Always listen to your instincts 2) Work as a team, maintaining decision making authority 3) Believe in people 4) Be patient, don't find a position, find the right position 5) Always treat people with respect 6) God provides 7) Character and integrity are the most important traits - always be true to yourself 8) Play to your strengths 9) If you are given time, make the most of it - re-energize 10) Never give up

I have been finding things to keep me busy. I have read a lot of books on a multitude of topics. I have found validation in the pages. While I do not recommend this approach to a career change, it has also been a freeing experience for me.

Have you encountered something similar?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Step of Faith

So, on 3/24/2009, I resigned my job without having another position. It has been almost 2 weeks and I am faced with some realities - some good, some bad. First, it has been a freeing experience. I was ready to make a job change and now I can focus on that. Second, my attitude has improved tremendously. I am physically and mentally much healthier. Those are the good things and worth far more than the other realities. Anxiety regarding the so called "clock ticking" on finding a job is sometimes high. It has been 20 years since I had to find a job and the game has definitely changed. I am being "recruited" heavily by organizations that want to help market me. Companies no longer use headhunter firms to place staff. Management and leadership positions are negotiated and shopped with placement firms - these same firms want to charge the potential employee and reap a fee from the employer if I am hired - without a guarantee. And, it is not cheap!!! I did not expect to pay to find a job.

So, all this to say, that this was a big step of faith and I believe God will bless this by providing exactly the job I am to have......just wish it was in my time and not His :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Starting a Different Career

So, due to circumstances, I am going to embark on a different career. This was a very difficult decision for me and a somewhat stressful one. I decided to resign from my previous job before having a new job to replace it. This was not done lightly. I believe the Information Technology landscape is changing and Business Transformation is going to be the key. Defining business processes and understanding key functionality is the only way to understand the technology requirements. Partnership is the key

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

How Important is Trust?

I have read many books on leadership and many of them stress the importance of trust in relationships. This can be particularly difficult in the workplace. How do you know who you can trust to watch your back, support your position, even to confront you when you might be over the line?

There is a difference between a professional trusting relationship and friendship. Do not make this mistake. You must maintain professional distance in workplace relationships. This is the way to maintain your objectivity. In the workplace, misplaced trust can be a career ending move. There are reasons that people talk about people working in a cutthroat atmosphere or seeing others climb to the top over other people.

So, how do you protect yourself but develop solid relationships in the workplace? First, you must remain integrity bound. Ensure that you can be trusted first. Next, choose your words carefully when sharing important information about your job, yourself, or sensitive information.
Finally, remember your relationships reflect back what you put into them. Trust is earned and that is both ways!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Dealing with Setbacks and Failures

This week has been a tough week for me. Missing deadlines are never easy but this comes with additional decisions. If someone came to me for advice on this topic, it would be, make the best decisions you can, be honest and integrity bound, and learn from this. So, while I know these things, it is not taking away the sinking feeling in my stomach. Writing this helps me see that tomorrow is another day and I need to let go and let God. No one on this earth is perfect. I always strive for perfection - but I need to give control away. I am ultimately responsible for this situation.

So, when faced with tough situations, it is okay to dwell long enough to learn from the situation. Then it is time to move on.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Passion - A main ingredient in Influence

Someone told me awhile ago that my passion is obvious when I talk. They went on to say that my passion encited people to catch the vision.

This comment spoke to me - to get people to follow you, they have to believe in you, then they will believe your words. It was a real 'duh' moment for me. This is so basic but I had not capitalized on my passion being a means for exciting people to follow a vision.

So, find your PASSION and use it to excite people.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where Do You Start - Define the Journey

When I was 10 years into my careers as a programmer, I knew I wanted more. At first, I wanted to stay technical and be what is referred to as an individual contributor. Then, a manager in the organization approached me and asked me to teach others what I know - A LEADER.

A first, I was not sure. I did not want my career success defined by the success of others. Then, another per son took an interest in my leadership potential and mentored me. He suggested books and discussed opportunities. Reading the books and understanding what a true leaders does, I was in hook, line and sinker.

So, how do you start?
1) Read books on leadership - on an earlier blog, I provided a list of suggested books. In order to lead and make a difference, you need to define the kind of leader you want to be.

2) Find a mentor. Pick someone you trust and admire. Throughout your career, you will need different kinds of mentors to ensure that you keep growing. Remember, you are always looking to learn from the person, pick your mentor wisely. If you don't know who to ask, ask some leaders that are around you and see if they can suggest someome, maybe even themselves.

3) Develop relationships. Having a network that is broad will prove to be invaluable. This network should include coworkers across your company (not just your department). It should include community contacts. You get meet these people through volunteering, attending church, or even finding other types of groups in your community. This is a really important step.

4) Journal your path and progress. Remember, this will not happen overnight but if you keep making progress, you will see a difference.

The process is not easy, it requires hard work. But if you start with these 3 steps, you will be surprised at the difference you will see if 3 months if you are diligent.

Do You Know What You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Have you asked yourself this question lately? This does not apply only when you are 6 years old and you want to be a fireman or a nurse. Every stage of our lives is around this question. Every promotion, job change, career shift is an answer to this question. The answer reflects your dreams and your next big step you are striving for.....YOUR HOPE.

So I challenge you......what do you want to be when you grow up.

Right now, my dream is to write a book. I working on what it is that I want to say, mostly I want to share my journey and the wisdom I have gained along the way.

Read from the Bible - Proverbs 92:14 - Dreams happen for the rest of your life - don't stop growing now.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Leadership and Employees

For many companies, year end is the time for employee reviews and bonuses based on company performance. With the state of the financial markets as they are, this process has been more painful than in years past. While large financial companies that have received bailout assistance are still paying significant executive bonuses, I may have to tell my employees that not only will there not be merit increases but bonuses are in jeopardy. While my employees will be thankful to have a job, it is still a sad state of affairs that this country is at the place it is.

So, here is a leadership question for you. How do you lead a team that there are no bonuses? How do you ensure that employees feel valued? How do you motivate them?

This is one of the times when leadership style plays an extremely important roles. If you have used your leadership skills to cultivate relationships of trust and continued to increase your creditbility, your team will still follow you. This is the key to authentic leadership. Don't get me wrong, people will be disappointed but you can keep them motivated.

By the way, this applies to people that may not directly work for you, and it is just as important that you provide leadership to those around you that may be in the same situation. Your attitude and support can make all the difference.