Monday, July 26, 2010

What does your attitude say about your ability to lead?

So, last week was a rough one for me. Things were just not going as I had planned. By Wednesday, I realized that my whole team seemed to be having a rough week. I had forgotten a very important law in leadership and that is attitude is contagious. I was rubbing off on people.....not in a good way either.

I want to be a good example. Time for self-reflection. Everyone has bad days but a true leader makes sure that it does not impact their followers. This is not always easy to do but here are some techniques that I have used that might help you.

1) Choose your words very carefully when discussing any current situation with a team member.
2) If you have a safe "venting" person you can talk to, seek them out and blow off some steam.
3) Take an early lunch (not always possible if it happens at 3:00 pm)
4) Pick up your Bible and see what scripture God will use to take your mind of the problems of the day.
5) Sometimes, I have been successful at talking myself out of my "bad mood". It really depends on how much attitude is BAD.
6) Have something in your work space that reminds you that this is not the end of the world. Good examples are family pictures, funny sayings, scripture, etc.

I would not recommend throwing stuff, sulking, crying, hitting something, or yelling. All of which are pretty obvious.

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