Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Gap Between Strategy and Execution

It is no longer true that IT and business organizations are separate. In years past, IT has been responsible for taking the business needs and building specific IT solutions. But times are changing and it is a very necessary change. More and more companies are including IT at the strategy and planning table. Today's CIO's and IT leadership know the importance of the business and have taken great strides to learn the busines. In doing so, they have a view across the business landscape that provides additional insight to the business organizations - they see the integration and innovation opportunities. The opportunities that can change and mold a business - change and transformation. What a great way to find new and improved ways of doing business or leveraging efficiencies across the business organization reducing expenses and costs and improving the client experience.

Closing the gap between business strategy and execution is an increasing need and it requires unique skills that are hard to find. Creating this organization should be a priority for companies, especially in these trying financial times.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How long does change take

This is an age old question that can drive you crazy. Every company I have worked for has suffered with change and doing it well. John Kotter wrote a book called Leading Change in which he does an excellent job of laying out the 8 steps for change. If you look at the steps and divide them into strategy/vision or execution, you will see something very telling. There is a very important process between setting the vision and driving it to when execution takes place. In my opinion, this is the most critical - to take a vision and be able to put actionable steps to make it happen. This involves strong communciation to achieve buy-in and then the ability to determine the steps - looking of the win/win - business value against effort and dollars.

This is the key to making this successful. It cannot be part of someone's every day job. That is where companies make their mistakes. This takes time and dedication and a special group of people to lead this effort. If organized well, you can accomplish the most complicated change efforts needed to tranform a company.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ever feel like nothing makes a difference

Well, today that seems to be something on my mind. So, the leader in me says, pull up my bootstraps and get over it. BUT (which negates everything I just said) there are times when you must deal with it.....YOU.....not those around you - so don't talk about it - YOU must decided what you are going to do with this feeling.

So, the challenge really is, is it good enough if you believe in what you are doing and you are doing it with integrity? And that answer would be YES. Now that is an approach I can focus on.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

How do you maintain composure in unprofessional situations?

This is a tough one. Before I had read so much on maintaining character and integrity, I was a "gives as one gets" philosophy - only I always had to win. That in plain language is called SPITE.

Even though you may be in a professional environment meant to be one of mutual respect, this has not been my experience. Here are some tips that have helped my maintain my integrity in unprofessional situations.

1) Always maintain your composure, even calm. You are responsible for your response and attitude regardless of how you were approached. Walk away if necessary.

2) Remember, people always come first, especially if your sitution is about an employee, friend or co-worker. You need to keep in mind that you are looking for the win/win - even if it means you don't get your way.

3) Try additional approaches to the situation - ask questions, offer some other ideas or options, continue the discussion if needed. Do not delay a decision though if it is detrimental to a person (as identifed in #2)

4) Seek guidance from a co-worker who may have insight on ways to handle the situation.

5) DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE SITUATION in a negative way with other people. This only hurts you and it is unprofessional.

So, if you find this helpful, please respond. If you have other ideas, add them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why do companies not see leaders?

You know, a very wise person told me that you have to ask for what you want. Well, sometimes companies are so busy with the business that they don't see the opportunities offered by their "hidden" leadership talent.

Be bold - ask for what you want! Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to take informed risks. Sometimes you might have to do a job for awhile before you get paid for it - if it is what you wanted - it is worth it.

Remember - it will probably never happen as fast as you want it to, so take a deep breath and be as patient as you can. Keep talking and talking and talking - to anyone that will listen. Listen to the feedback and apply it to your idea - keep driving the change.

Integrity - cannot lead without it

What does integrity look like? It means that no matter what the situation, you handle it with character. It means that you don't repeat what someone has told you in confidence. It means you do not exaggerate a situion to make yourself look better. It means you take responsibility for your actions, your attitudes, your decisions. It means that when you are wrong you admit it. It means that everyone trusts what you say - no matter what!!

Now, this may all seem like common sense but ask yourself this. When was the last time you knew someone that had all these characteristics and could be trusted in any situation.

I believe I am one of these leaders!

Change - Cannot be in business without - Cannot make it happen

With the ever changing financial times, it is more critical now than ever to make smart fiscal business decisions. When companies lack strategic focus, it is really hard to drive change to make things better. Change gets so stuck in the day to day "stuff" that we cannot seem to get out of our own way.

It is more critical now to drive change - to be better - and to provide services where there are needs. For example, what companies need to focus on is what their audiences' needs are - not what products we can sell. The competitive edge is all about providing/meeting the needs. People are scared and they want to know there are companies that care. This is the key to business leadership.

Leadership to drive change will involve risks. Leaders have to be willing to say, "Let's try this approach, and put a plan in place" instead of giving up or saying it has been tired before. My answer would be - different leader so it has not been done before.

Many times it is easier to stop trying than to try another approach. As a leader, you still have to take all this on while remaining integrity bound. That means, you don't put down what has been tired before. You don't blame the people. You don't blame the company. Instead, you focus on what can be, set your sights in that direction, talk about what you want to do ALL THE TIME, and make progress with win/win steps. A little at a time. No matter what anyone says, change will not happen over night.